
Lesson 85——Pride Comes before a Fall

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第八十五課 驕者必敗

◎Reading The teachings of Confucius tell us to be humble. People should not think too highly of themselves. No matter how great one is, there is always someone greater. Therefore, we shoud be humble in our words and actions. We should always remerber the saying, "Pride comes before a fall." ◎閱讀 孔子教導我們要謙虛。人們不應該自視甚高,不論個人有多麼了不起,總有人比他更了不起。因此,我們在言行上都應該謙虛。我們應當隨時記住這句俗話:「驕者必敗」。 (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社) (點閱次數:405)